Highly sensitive people(HSPs) are tuned in with their nervous system which increases their sensory input more than others. In spiritual direction,HSPs explore higher positive emotional experiences and are termed as "too sensitive".I beg to differ to the stigma attached to HSPs as sensitivity is connected to an innate soul purpose which is the desire to heal and help oneself and others.
I was intrigued to bring in an important angle of the family dynamics in which HSPs were raised. To my suprise, HSPs often get stuck in specific human roles such as the peacemaker,the rescuer of all the family members in any given unforeseen circumstance.Many HSPs have grown up with caregivers who have deeply lacked consistency and emotional security that are needed to be provided to a child for a safe environment. Thus, HSPs are highly conscientious in their work due to childhood critiquing, conflict avoidance due to unhealthy relationship boundaries seen in parental dynamics. This enforces HSPs to become problematic adults who retort to codependency in relationships and outperformers in the professions.
The soul calling of HSPs is purely to find deeper meaning and purpose as they possess a connection with higher spiritual dimensions. Possessing levels of higher empathy, HSPs have a more active mirror neuron system of the brain as they are impacted by emotions and moods of other around. A renowned psychologist, Hillman points to a fact that HSPs carry a "blueprint" which determines a particular purpose and path in life that modern society ignores and suppresses the gifts of HSPs to conform to the cultural and societal norms. Downsides of being HSPs is the very same failing to conform in worldly pursuits,which creates a sense of loneliness as they carry the burden to uplift the switch in consciousness which forced HSPs to walk down the path of the road less travelled. Doesn't that sound utterly painful and lonesome? Definitely yes!!
As HSPs are prone to mental illnesses, embracing the right guidance and support shifts the focus from "Fast and Furious" to "Calm and Curious". Certain spiritual techniques such as earthing, deep breathing,meditation,nature walks maintain an energetic balance in the chakras.
HSPs require exploration,connection and cultivation in sacred spaces of non-judgemental zones and acceptance by the society. HSPs are conscious of their purpose of healing and transforming individual trauma and collective trauma.